We all like to optimize the time we spend writing. That’s why most of us try to increase the speed at which we type. Converting audio to a written text is a somewhat boring task that was always done manually before.

Now, thanks to the advancement of new technologies, transcribing audio to text is much simpler and can sometimes be done automatically and quickly. A program to transcribe audio to text only needs the sound in a useful format, usually .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .opus, … among others and a few minutes to change it to its written form.
This practice was prevalent before the invention of the typewriter, especially among the richest writers, who hired a notary to whom they dictated their works. With Audext.com, you can easily and quickly transcribe audios to a text file in quicker means.
Recovering the dictation has many advantages and some disadvantages of which we will speak to you next.
To Activate Speech-to-Text Recognition

- On Mac, press the FN key twice.
- In Windows, open Accessories in All Programs, enter Accessibility, and finally, open.
- Windows Speech Recognition. In both systems, you just have to click on the microphone icon to start dictating.
- Mobile phones also allow us to dictate our texts to different applications; at least on Android, we suppose that in iPhone it will work similarly.
In any case, regardless of the tool you use, these are the advantages of text voice dictation:
- It’s Faster Than Typing: In general, dictating the texts, we go faster than writing them. That way, if we are clear about what we are going to write, we will gain a lot of time.
- It Is More Rested Than Typing As much as we care for ergonomics with a good keyboard and good posture, typing is tiresome. Instead, we can dictate our texts even lying down, so fatigue would no longer be an excuse for not writing. This allows us to spend more time typing without getting tired.
- We Can Dictate While Doing Something Else: If we are doing something that does not require special attention to how to iron or exercise on the exercise bike, we can dictate what happens to us.
- We, Will, Improve Our Dialogs: A fundamental task when writing dialogues is to read them aloud to see how they will sound in the reader’s head. If we dictate them, we will be hearing them from the moment we create them, and this will help us detect possible failures more quickly. This will also help us bring rhythm and musicality to our texts.
- The Vice Of The Writer Drowns That Of The Internal Editor: When you dictate you focus on the words, on the thoughts that arise in your head, and not so much on the appearance of those words on the screen, so it is easier to silence your interior editor and move on in your texts. This is especially noticeable if what you write is the first draft.