5 Most Common Seo Mistakes You Might Be Doing Now

5 Most Common Seo Mistakes You Might Be Doing Now

Search Engine Optimization or also known as “SEO” is probably one of the most important things that you can do today in order to gain the required exposure and visibility for your business, service or any sort of a website in general.

According to experts, good search engine optimization is absolutely necessary if you want to achieve anything with your website, so we decided to put together a quick guide that will point some of the most common mistakes you might be making right now. Here’s what you need to know.

Common SEO Mistakes you might be making

  • Duplicating Content

Some people are just lazy, not creative enough, or they simply have no idea what the consequences are from duplicating content. Here’s what happens when you do it. Among the other problems, when you duplicate content the search engine cannot decide which page to index and will eventually end up not showing the web page in the search results at all.


This usually happens when people are duplicating their homepage and slightly changing something in order to make it a “new page”. Duplicating content is definitely harming your webpage by a lot, so we strongly advise you not to do it. You can even do a small test by running a position checker and see the results for yourself when you use duplicated content versus when using uniquely designed and optimized pages.

  • Keyword Rank Checker

This is not a mistake, but a really important thing that you might not be utilized at all. One of the best ways to optimize your website is by checking the popularity of certain keywords and using them in order to gain maximum visibility and best results on the search engine itself.

Keyword Rank Checker


If you are wondering how to gain this knowledge, online services such as spyserp.com are really useful when you want to gain some insight and use tools like keyword rank checker or SERP checker. Your search engine results will drastically improve even with the slightest knowledge of keyword popularity, so we strongly advise that you look up into it.

  • Similar Content

Similar content is harming your website and you need to do everything you can in order to minimize it. This usually happens when poor quality website optimizers just copy some content from another website and use it as your own without even modifying it enough. The search engine knows that you are making plagiarism frauds and will not display your webpage.

Similar Content


  • Not changing strategies

When it comes to efficient optimizing and improving results, you need to change up your game from time to time and try different strategies. If you are constantly running into a wall by doing just one thing all over and over again, your webpage will probably never see the light of the day. You can try different methods and mix it up until you find the best way to rank up. One of the best ways to know if your strategy is working is by using a position checker tool and seeing if you are improving in numbers. For additional support visit alanmorgangroup.


  • Webpage Loading Times

A lot of statistics show us that by having longer loading times we are losing a lot of our potential customers and visitors. If the load time of your webpage is longer than two seconds you are losing more than half of the visitors, and that is already a huge problem. Make sure that you fully optimize your webpage for functionality, and if you have tons of fancy plug-ins and other aesthetic-enhancing things, make sure to disable those until you reach the optimal loading times. Functionality and optimization are far more important than looks, and this is a common newbie mistake that a lot of website owners make.

Webpage Loading Times

source: www.websitepulse.com