Best Grammar Checker Alternative of Grammarly

Consider that you are going through a blog and see that incorrect tenses have been used. What would be the first thing that would come to your mind? What kind of perception about the company would you create? It is expected that a positive perception and image about the brand would not be created. Reputed brands pay immense attention to the content published online. This is simply because quality content is used to gather traffic, create a strong online presence and improve traffic rate. In the present competitive online environment, a website cannot breathe for long without quality content. The most important requirement of quality content is that it should be grammatically correct.

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Alternatives for Grammarly

When you talk about the top rated tools used to check grammatical mistakes, Grammarly is one of them. Various users including students, teachers, web content developers and bloggers use it to check content originality. However, it is not the only tool you can count on for checking the content grammatically. Other quality options you can consider are listed below.

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Prepostseo grammar checker is a 100% online tool and users can use it from any machine which has a working internet connection. There is no need to go for any installations. This tool is a free tool without any conditions attached. You do not have to pay for anything irrespective of how many times you use it. As it is an online tool, there is no need of downloading or installing anything.

  • What do users expect from a quality grammar checker? The most important thing is perfection. Even if the written content contains one grammatical issue, it would be rated as incorrect. Thus, you have to make sure that the written content has zero grammatical issues. This is only possible if the tool used is dependable. This grammar checker is completely reliable and no mistakes are skipped. Whether it is incorrect tense, missed punctuation or any other grammatical problem, all errors would be identified. For students in particular, this tool is one of the best options.
  • It is not easy to find a free tool that does not have any conditions attached. There is nothing like a free version for a limited time span. The tool can be used for as long as you want without paying anything. Students normally search for tools that are both free and reliable. Considering these requirements, this grammar checker suits them a lot.

After the Deadline

Some students and users prefer their grammar checker to be a browser extension so that they do not have to open the website link every time. If that is the requirement then After the Deadline is a good alternative. This tool can be used as an extension of the Google Chrome browser. Other than that, it also has the following benefits for the users.

  • The quickness of checking the content and identifying grammatical issues is impeccable. This is not a tool which would make you wait for hours. It suits students who have to proofread lengthy assignments within a short span of time. This grammar checker is quick and lengthy content pieces are scanned in no time at all. When the errors have been identified, you can rectify the mistakes and get the content scanned once again. If there are no mistakes, it simply means that the content is ready for submission.
  • Reliability is the key when you are choosing a tool for grammar checking or any other purpose. Users of this tool can be completely sure that no mistakes would be skipped. It becomes a tiring procedure when students have to recheck the content after a tool has been used to read it. Other than that, there is no point in using a tool when the content has to be rechecked. Once you have used this tool to check the content, no further checking is needed.
  • As it is mentioned above, this tool can be added as an extension for the Chrome browser. If you want the grammar checker to appear in each browser tab, you should opt for After the Deadline.

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Language Tool

This tool has diverse services for its users. For instance, if you are using Google Docs, a free edition of this tool can be used along with it. Along with desktop applications, a web based version is available for people who like their editors to be online. Some other plus points of this tool are listed below.

  • When you talk about reliability, Language Tool is an incredible tool to consider. It does not skip errors in any manner. During the writing process, students make a lot of different grammatical mistakes. Even if you take out time and check the content manually, it would be impossible to identify and rectify all the mistakes. This tool saves valuable energy and precious time for its users.

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When you are drafting a piece of content, it should not be submitted without proper checking and proofreading. Grammatically incorrect content leaves a negative impression on the mind of the reader. For instance, if you have written a blog post and it has grammatical issues, the reader would feel that the content has not been professionally written. Hence, checking the content for grammatical issues is very important. To accomplish this task, you need to pick a quality editor which would deliver the goods for you.

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Grammarly is a quality tool for this purpose but it is not the only credible option available to the users. You can glance at various other high standard tools for checking the content. One of them is the Prepostseo grammar checker. It is a free tool which can be used online so users do not have to worry about installations and compatible software tools. Another tool which you can look at is After the Deadline. This tool is used mostly as an extension of the Google chrome browser. People who want everything to be in one place opt for this editor.
