Getting educated in what you are interested to do is one step ahead to fulfilling your dreams, and becoming the best in your profession. Those who want to become computer scientists go to tech schools, the artists are going to the academy, and of course, those who are interested in cooking and preparing food usually visit culinary schools. Sometimes, we learn the best recipes from our family members, especially mothers and grandmothers, or the aunt who is the main chef at the family gatherings.
Usually, they are the inspiration for us to become better chefs than them, or to discover the secrets of their specialties and delicious dishes. So, you may think there is no need to go to culinary school when you have the best teachers at home, but if you want to become a professional chef, who has chosen this life path, then you need the formal education process that will ensure you will always have a chance to work at some restaurant. At Culinary Lab School you will learn more about the options these education units offer to you, and see what things you will learn once you sign up for a course, like:
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1. Culinary basics

You have to learn to make difference between different types of pots, pans, knives, forks, but also how to pair the ingredients, and which drink goes the best with your dish. Those are the most basic things in your kitchen. Once you have this base, you are ready to improve your skills and gain more knowledge, so you can become even better at what you are doing. Also, you will learn more about the main roles in the kitchen, and the different duties in your team. And we say team because…
2. Cooking is a teamwork
When you want to do it for life, you have to know that you can run a professional kitchen by yourself. If you want to have your own restaurant, then you have a duty to be a successful manager of your team, and learn how to be a leader. It’s a mentally exhausting job, but the rewards are great, especially when you see the satisfied guests who enjoy your dishes. Appreciate your team too, even the person who is peeling the potatoes – every one of them has an important role in your job, and together you are stronger.
3. Nutritional values of your dishes

That means you will have to learn to combine the nutrients, and always know the calorie value of your dish. Learn which ingredients may cause allergies, and don’t forget to mention those facts in the menu. Always know what is the best replacement for some food, if the guest wants to make some change in the recipe. Also, when you are using quality products, you will know that you are doing your best and that they will all enjoy well-prepared meals, with a dash of love.
4. How to cook pasta
Pasta dishes are a must. You have to learn how to cook it, but also to prepare a sauce even with the simplest ingredients, like olive oil and herbs, and still have a five-star meal on your menu. At culinary school you will learn how much water is enough, and when do you need to add salt, and of course, when it’s the right time to stop the cooking, so you can get the best food texture. There are different types of sauces, but they have one common secret – as you mix them with pasta, you have to add pasta water for better taste and creaminess. But, that’s only one secret of this art, and for more, you will learn at the culinary school.
5. How to prepare a one-pot dish

It looks like you only need to throw the ingredients in the pan, mix them together, and cook them. And it is that simple, but also, you have to learn which ingredients need more time to cook, so you can combine them right. One-pot dishes are good for those who hate washing the pots and pans after cooking.
6. How to roast a chicken
This is the basic lesson in meat preparation. Chicken is the easiest one since it doesn’t need much time to be completely done. When you come to the meat lessons, you will learn different methods of preparing, but one thing you need to always remember – poultry is always served well done. Other types of meat are for more advanced levels.
7. How to roast veggies

The roasted vegetable is one of the best ways to improve the taste since most of them aren’t that delicious when served raw. For example, roasted and glazed carrots are more delicious, and this process of cooking is activating the nutritional substances, that are making this vegetable even healthier. Also, you can roast onion, pieces of cabbage, artichoke, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, and many other vegetables.
8. A few ways to prepare potatoes and eggs
Everyone loves potatoes in any form. If you are seriously dedicated to your chef carrier, then you must learn how to prepare at least three potato dishes, for example, roasted potatoes with herbs, mashed potatoes with butter, or any other combination that comes to your mind. The same goes for the eggs. Try to learn a few ways of preparation, especially if you want to serve breakfast at your restaurant or bar.
There are a lot more advanced skills you will have to learn once you start cooking. As you gain experience, you will be more courageous to try to bake and make pastries. Every next dish will be better than the previous one, and who knows, maybe one day you will be able to run your own restaurant, and be the star of your kitchen.
Until then, you have to dedicate yourself to your skills and improve them, by choosing the right culinary school for you, even though in pandemic conditions it may mean you will have to start an online class until everything is back to normal.