Whether you need to run a mobile application, website, or software for your enterprise, you need hosting. You could go with simple web hosting or choose a dedicated server. The choice depends upon your usage and traffic.
Therefore, if you have a WordPress site or you are running a blog, a cloud server would be the suitable choice for you. Why? Because you will have hundreds or thousands of visitors and cloud hosting can easily handle it.
On the other hand, if you have a mobile application or a quickly growing website, you might face heavy traffic. Therefore, you will need a dedicated server that will deal with your site only. Dedicated hosting will improve the speed and graphics. Thus, your customers will be satisfied.
ServerSpace is one such platform that provides you with cloud and virtual private cloud hosting. So if you want to buy one, go toserverspace.us So whether you want to conduct analytics, deploy application runtime or store your database serverspace.us has it all. Furthermore, you can also get storage and various networking facilities.
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Source: lifewire.com
Servers are used to run and store database and to compute various tasks. Furthermore, they are crucial for the smooth working of any computing program. So whether you have a simple website or an application with heavy traffic, you will need hosting.
Because of similar purposes, both dedicated and cloud servers have a lot of common things. For instance, both of them provide root access and shared storage. In addition to this, both have a load balancer that manages the traffic load on the site. Despite all these similarities, they cannot be called similar.
Although both dedicated and cloud servers have a similar purpose but they are different from each other in certain aspects. So here are the differences between both of them.
1 – Infrastructure type
The type of infrastructure varies in both servers. If you are using the cloud server, you will get the virtual servers with dedicated resources. So you will get what you pay for. On the contrary, if you are paying for the dedicated servers, you will get the one that is dedicated for your site only. Thus, it will only deal with the storage, running and handling of only your application.
2 – Configuration settings

Source: lifewire.com
Cloud servers offer you the package according to your requirements. Therefore, if you want to change the configuration, you can do it at any time. For example, you just started a site and the traffic was too low, so you bought the package accordingly. But eventually, with time, your site becomes famous and now you have some heavy traffic. Therefore, the website is getting slow. So you will need some better configurations.
On the contrary, with dedicated hosting, you won’t be able to change the configuration settings. For example, your initial website is attracting more than thousands of visitors. Thus, the cloud hosting is not capable of bearing the load. Consequently, even with the highest cloud configuration, you are not able to manage the traffic and performance. Now you will need a separate hosting that is dedicated to your site only.
3 – Sharing of resources
In cloud hosting, you will have to share all the resources. For example, you bought a pizza deal with your friends. So now all of you will get their own share. They will get what they pay and you too.
On the other hand, the dedicated server is completely independent and has its own dedicated hardware. For instance, you buy a pizza with your money. So now, only you will eat it.
The deals and packages vary with your needs. You can estimate your traffic and buy the cloud share accordingly. But if the results are beyond your expectations and the number of visitors are exceeding on a large scale, you will need to do something. And this something is to get dedicated hosting for your application or website.
You can always change your hosting and servers. Therefore, you don’t have to pay too much during the initial stages of your work.
4 – Level of data protection

Source: itpro.co.uk
This becomes a serious concern for some of the companies. Especially when they want to keep their information secret. As mentioned above, in cloud hosting, you will get a share of the resources. Thus, when the information of different sites is stored in a single server, there is not much protection. Therefore, you can expect that your sensitive data can be hacked.
On the other hand, when you have bought the server, all of your sensitive data will get more protection. Therefore, gaming companies and banking corporations go for dedicated servers. Consequently, they can protect the sensitive information about their business as well as of their customers.
Thus, the choice of selection depends upon the requirements of your business. Informative websites and personal blogs do not need much protection but the corporate sector does.
5 – The cost difference
Of course, the total cost varies with the server you choose. If you are working on a startup and you have limited resources, you will look for a cheaper choice. So which one is the less expensive? Cloud servers offer you a low entry cost. Therefore, if you are bound with limited resources, you will have to go with it. The cheaper rates are because of their consumption. They will have to pay for their share only not for the whole server.
But if you look at the bigger picture and long-term benefits, a cloud server might not be the cheaper choice. Because with time, your traffic will increase. Consequently, you will have to upgrade the configuration. Thus, it will cost more.
On the contrary, the dedicated server has a higher entry fee. But as time goes by, it will be able to manage the number of visitors. Furthermore, the speed will also remain fast.
So which one is better?
Both of these have their own perks. So the better one varies with the purchaser. For a startup- with limited traffic and resources, the cloud would be the best. But as the traffic shows progress, shared service won’t be enough. Therefore, you will have to make your decision according to your business requirements.