Divorce Survival Manual: Filing for Divorce Online

Divorce is life-changing. It can be strenuous for some and devastating for others. It is hard, even for a couple showing decency and compassion. But probably the most important thing to know and understand about divorce is that it is a process, and not an event.

The divorce process is a long, excruciating, and expensive one, that takes a lot away from you. If stretched out for too long, the process of getting a divorce can sink you so deep down in misery that you may not be able to recover. But as difficult as it is to experience your family falling apart, by facing it with a little pragmatism and prudence, you can prevent it from going from bad to worse.

The suggestion to look at one of the most painful and heartbreaking experiences of your life as a sluggish, legal, and bureaucratic process could feel absurd on the surface, but all the sugar-coated, heartfelt words of wisdom and support in the world won’t be able to save you from utter financial ruin that a divorce is capable of entailing. Once you realize that you might end up losing a lot more than your marriage, then you will be more ready to accept helpful tips that could ease the process.

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Don’t let your schedule get out of whack


First things first, you will only be able to focus on important things like work if your body and mind is healthy, or at the very least in a functioning state. It usually takes some time to get used to your new reality and recover from the initial shock of your marriage ending.

However, you can take care of yourself during this period by simply following your schedule. You will no doubt feel less motivated to do certain things and may even start asking yourself, “what’s the point?” This is a normal reaction, but you must keep your life on track. Staying busy will keep your mind off the grief and disappointment, which will help you through the entire divorce process including the most difficult step which comes next.

Start bringing your finances in order


There are a million things you can do to prepare yourself before filing for divorce. However, the most crucial thing you ought to be doing is to start paying attention to your finances.

You can start by getting a better understanding of your budget and expenses, and begin planning for the future. If your spouse has been taking care of all of your expenses until now, then you must get a handle on what your current cost-of-living is and what it could be in the future after the divorce process.

Negotiate with your partner, rationally not emotionally


No matter how overwhelmed you are with your emotions and feelings about the divorce, you have to try and negotiate with your partner so that both of you can agree on the terms of the divorce. This monumental task is worth all the pain and effort because the alternative is worse.

Getting a divorce through trial is the most damaging thing you can do to your mental, physical, and emotional health, not to mention your wallet. The high costs of lawyer fees and other trial expenses will suck your savings dry. As arduous as you might think communicating and ultimately compromising with your spouse is, the trial will be worse. Hard negotiation in the present with your soon-to-be-ex, can save you a lot of pain and suffering in the future.

Be open to a compromise


It is pretty much a given that if you want to reach an agreement on all the terms of your divorce, you will have to compromise on some things that your spouse is adamant about. Only then will both of you be able to meet in the middle and chart a course on how to proceed with the divorce, together.

Using an open mind and honest communication will help both of you to proceed with cooler minds, free of malice and ill will. Being open to compromise will help you build the trust and goodwill you need, to come to a quick agreement with your soon-to-be-ex about the terms of the divorce. By agreeing on the terms of the divorce with your spouse, you have won half the battle. This will enable you to get an uncontested divorce, which will open the door for the next step.

If you can, get an online divorce


At first, many may feel a little apprehensive with the idea of getting a divorce over the internet, but this is primarily due to the unfamiliarity with the process. Contrary to perception, online divorce is an inexpensive and relatively hassle-free option.

Proceeding with divorce over the internet is not only affordable but also extremely quick. You can do it yourself without the need to hire a lawyer. Proceeding without an attorney will help you significantly reduce the cost of divorce, while also saving you the time and stress typically associated with the divorce process.  Couples who have reached a consensus to get a mutual or uncontested divorce, are qualified to apply for the divorce online.

Of course, it depends primarily upon the state in which you live whether you are allowed to get an online divorce or not. You will have to gather the right information about the grounds for divorce in your state. Thus, it is paramount to seek expert advice, if you feel lost. You can contact a professional online divorce firm, which will provide you with all the information you need.

According to utahonlinedivorce.com, getting a divorce online, will not only help you save money, but it will also help you save yourself and your spouse from the ugliness of a legal hearing where all the personal details of your home life will be brought up in front of strangers. Having your dirty laundry aired out in the public will likely cause both of you nothing but pain, hurt, and humiliation.



While going through a divorce, many people are overwhelmed with pain and sadness, which is natural, as they are experiencing their life fundamentally changing from everything they had become used to. Seeing the person that you once loved the most leave is indeed one of the worst things a person can experience.

However, this grief often shields people from properly accepting the state of their marriage, the problems they’ve been going through, and everything that went wrong. Ironically, these are things that people are already subconsciously aware of but kept ignoring until the divorce papers arrived at their doorstep.

And when reality hits, it becomes an overwhelming burden almost too hard to carry. With a little self-awareness, patience, and empathy, you can stop yourself from becoming an angry, resentful, and vengeful person, held down by disgust, rage and contempt in your heart. By steering away from those thoughts and keeping a healthy mindset, you will be doing yourself a huge favor, as nothing good comes from hate.