Gen Z is the first generation that has had the internet available from the time they were born. It’s also the generation that tends to spend more time on the internet than others. Even with these details, the generation has seen that there has been a decrease in broadband services that are available. For about 66% of those who are considered Gen Z, they would prefer to have reliable internet instead of going to college.
The Center for Generational Kinetics conducted a recent survey to look at how the Gen Z population uses the internet compared to those who are among the Baby Boomers and Gen X. Keep in mind that those who are considered Gen Z are born between 1996 and 2015. The people who are in this generation are between 6 and 15 years old, which means that the generation comprises about 28% of the population in the country. This is also the largest generation with over 90 million people.
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Larger But With Downfalls

Even though Gen Z holds more people, they don’t really impact the economy in a balanced way. This generation is part of more households that see a lack of broadband service as well as service that’s not affordable. However, the generation is one that spends the most time online whether they are at home, at school, or somewhere else that has access to the internet. Over half of the population has claimed that they can’t be without internet access for over four hours. This compares to about 25% of those who are from the Baby Boomer generation.
Logging off of the internet is a bit of a hassle for many of the Gen Z population as they want to always remain online and visible to other people. Their entertainment is also found on the internet whether it’s listening to music, social media, gaming, or watching their favorite TV series and movies on popular streaming services from Netflix or Gen Z is also eyeing on the new streaming service called streaming wolf. You may check their website to know their plans.
Internet at Home

Gen Z might not access the internet at home all the time as the generation is one that sees fewer connections at home or fewer reliable connections. About 70% of people between 18 and 29 even have a connection at home. Instead, they use the internet on their mobile device or go somewhere else to use the internet. About 64% of people ages 65 and older have broadband. This means that the younger generations don’t always have the best connection even though they enjoy spending more time online.
Looking to the Future

Since Gen Z tends to be online more than Gen X and Millennials, they trust the internet more and see it advancing in the future. They believe that artificial intelligence will begin to take over in the coming years and that it will positively impact those who use the type of services that are provided. One thing that Gen Z doesn’t really care as much about is privacy while being online. They look for websites that are predictive instead of those that are anonymous or that have a lot of security features to get through.
Why the Generation Matters

It’s important to look at Gen Z and how the generation reacts to being online, especially since more people used the internet from 2024 until now due to the pandemic keeping more people at home. Organizations have consulted with those who belong to Gen Z to see what features they need from the internet and what they enjoy as well as how to make the internet faster and more reliable.
Providers who listen to what people want and who develop activities that are reimagined will likely be the ones that succeed in the digital world instead of those that maintain the same services that are provided. Some of the upgrades that businesses can make range from how consumers shop from home to how they shop in a grocery store. There are also advances in the world of fitness, entertainment, and working so that it’s more convenient for consumers to have everything that they need at their fingertips. Gen Z doesn’t see this as an advancement because it’s what they’ve always known since they haven’t had to deal with being without broadband. However, they want a seamless connection without lagging and faster service, which is something that providers will need to work on as well if they plan to succeed in the future.
Some providers don’t feel that they should pay attention to how Gen Z feels because they are so young. However, they are the ones who will shape the future and who will decide which providers get their service and which ones get looked over. This is the generation that will be the workforce in the next decade. They are a different group and see things through a different set of eyes, which is why providers need to start looking into ways that they can change what they offer and how they can improve the broadband that’s available.
There are a few factors that Gen Z looks at when they seek a broadband connection as well as other technologies. It should be a product that’s of high quality. It needs to last for quite some time instead of breaking after a few days or a few months. There should be positive reviews about the product. People should want to use the product and should want to share their thoughts about it instead of avoiding its use. Customer service is also a factor that Gen Z looks at as they want someone to listen to them. They also want someone to handle the issues that they have fast and in a positive manner.
Those who are in the Gen Z group tend to focus on companies that are on social media as well or those that contribute to the social media frenzy compared to companies that ignore communicating with others. If something isn’t available, then Gen Z will likely build what they need and want if providers and companies don’t listen and make things possible. Many of the Gen Z population could work online as well, which means that internet providers would need to be able to provide the resources to make it easier to navigate from one source to another in order for people to make a living.