Household bills are a necessary evil. The good thing about getting them every month, is you know that your home is heated with working water, and wonderful extras. The bad thing about it is that a lot of the time it can all become expensive quite quickly. A lot of people don’t even realize that they’re spending a lot more money on their utility bills than they have to, and they don’t know how to do anything about it. So how can you effectively save money on your household bills, and yet still upkeep your current day-to-day life?
See to compare energy prices.
Assess Your TV Usage
It can be easy to buy into some very tempting deals when it comes to your television package, and if you’ve bought into these in the past, then now is the time to assess how much it is that you actually use them.
If you’ve ended up being on the most expensive and varied package, and you’re not even sure what channels that include, have a look. When you’re looking, make sure you make a note of which channels it is your watch, and which you don’t. If there are a multitude of channels there that you don’t even watch, chances are you’ll be able to get the channels that you are watching alone for a much lower price.
Nowadays, there are so many streaming services available, that it’s worth questioning whether you need to be paying for digital TV and a television license at all. Streaming platforms such as BBC iPlayer, Netflix, and the ITV Hub are becoming more and more popular all of the time, and less and less people actually find themselves watching live TV. If this is the case, it’s worth questioning whether it’s worth canceling your digital TV package and switching solely to streaming services.
Think About Your Energy
One of the biggest things that people find themselves overpaying for in the average household, is their energy bills. With the internet so readily available now, there’s not really any excuse for not doing your research on where you can save on these – and there are hundreds of sites available that are full of advice. Price comparison websites are some of the best places to find out where you can save on all of your utility bills in general.
However, if you find you are on the cheapest package and yet you still feel it’s too much, takes matters into your own hands and make your home more energy efficient. In order to do this, all it takes is being a little more aware of how you use your energy in general, and how you can alter it. If you find yourself using a lot of heating in the colder months, have a look and see if your windows need resealing, or possibly look into having double glazing installed. Likewise, you can have a smart meter installed so that you can keep a close eye on your energy usage. Water is another one of the biggest factors in zapping your home of energy, so you could consider installing low-flow showerheads into your home, or simply becoming more conscious about when and how often you leave the water running. After all, is it really necessary to leave the tap running for the entire four minutes of every day that you brush your teeth? Times that by four for the average family, and that’s a lot of water and money.
Not only will this save you money and benefit the environment, but it will also positively affect your Energy Flow Chart. This means that if you’re selling your home, buyers and companies that buy any house like are likely to snap your property straight off the market.
Check Your Mobile Phone Plan
Alike to the television packages (but even more so), people are talked into getting the priciest smartphone packages all too quickly. It’s very easy to buy into long-standing contracts for the most expensive and technologically advanced mobile phones on the market, but before you do this, make sure that you can actually afford the phone month in-month out.
But at the same time, make sure not to sell yourself short. If you buy into a smaller contract with less data, minutes and messages, and you go over your limit, you’ll be costing yourself even more money in the long term. The most important thing is to ask for advice. Tell the professionals your requirements and your budget, and they’ll help you choose the right package for you.