Recognizing standout employees who truly keep things running smoothly is vital. While you might not lavish all with gifts, it’s essential to honor those key contributors with meaningful tokens of appreciation, such as personalized award plaques, going beyond the usual “world’s best employee” coffee mug.
Today, we are going to show you three gifts that will blow your employees’ minds and make them feel appreciated. Not only will this boost morale, but it will create a level of loyalty that is hard to match.
Ready to see the gifts that won’t break the budget but blow their minds?
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Feed Their Coffee Cravings
Most of your employees have a coffee habit that they can’t (and won’t) kick. You see them come in with their customized coffee mugs (and thermoses) with specialty blends from custom roasters or their favorite coffee shop.
Since you know they love a great cup of coffee, give them a gift that will rejuvenate them each morning and remind them why you’re the greatest boss (and company) to work for.
The Ninja Specialty Fold-Away Frother & Coffee Maker is the perfect all-on-one coffee solution available right now and it doesn’t cost a ton either. It gives the user the ability to create a single cup of coffee or fill up a pot of deliciousness that will wake them up and prepare them for the day. For those who enjoy a little more, you can brew up lattes, macchiatos, cappuccinos, and several other coffeehouse favorites.
Don’t underestimate the power of a cup (or thermos) of coffee!
Change The Way They Work
Another great gift option you should consider is a standing desk from VARIDESK. If you’ve ever noticed, your employees tend to get up and down a lot. They aren’t doing this because they don’t want to work, they are doing it because they need to stretch out for a minute. Standing desks are great for increasing productivity (research-backed) and helping to make the day a little more bearable.
Looking for a less expensive version of the VARIDESK? Then you should look for a standing desk riser like a FlexiSpot or a VIVO. Both work similarly but cost a lot less. Of course, this is a business expense that can be written off so that should factor into your decision. For a full list of top-rated Varidesk competitors check this article.
It’s hard to argue with the research about standing desks and employee productivity!
Replace Their Chairs
Don’t make them sit in a squeaky chair that doesn’t meet their needs anymore. Again, research has shown that comfortable employees are more productive. While this isn’t the reason for the gift, it’s a benefit that should factor into your decision.
Serta produces a Works Executive Office Chair that has deep, cushioned seats and back support with a curved lumbar for better posture and increased comfort. The armrests are padded and the seat is adjustable on multiple axes (height and tilt).
Don’t make them sit in a chair that isn’t comfortable – take their mind off of their chair and put it back on their work.
Wrap Up
Sorry for the intentional pun, but these are three gifts that your employees will love. While these gifts aren’t “cheap”, they are uncommon and show actual thought and consideration. If you have employees that are really making a difference, show them you care with a gift that goes “above the status quo”.