Meanwhile, people of Colorado State are forbidden to leave their houses there is only one exceptional advice concerning this issue. Here I prepared for some recommendations that could be useful to you to keep a distance from being outdoors. You’d better avoid persons around you as the best option but outdoors trying to keep 5 meters between each other if possible.
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1. Choose the route less crowded
You shouldn’t choose such routes across the Colorado Mountains that seem to be like a crowded market place of Denver from time to time. I advise you to take those types of routes which you haven’t used before. They could be not so attractive but they will help you save your social distance during these hard days. Your choice does not mean you have chosen remote routes. In other words, you chose those routes where there would be very few persons on the road to meet and hike them in order to save your social distance during your journey.
2. Have a journey in the quiet time of the day
Try to have your journey in a quiet time of the day in order not to meet anyone along the way. I advise you to do so to keep your social distance more frequently.
3. Don’t visit public places
If you want to keep a social distance from other persons you shouldn’t visit public places in order not to touch other personal things and common spots.
4. Try to leave your vehicle separately
You’d better park your vehicle away from parking in order to keep your social distance.
5. Travel alone avoiding parking spots
Before you enter the next small town along your journey think in advance that you could spread the disease by connecting with local people in common spots that’s why you’d better travel alone and avoid all these places and locals there if you are going to travel during these days.
6. Don’t forget about the sanitization
I advise you to clean your hand’s face and your body parts with special sanitizers in order to avoid catching a COVID-virus during your journey to Colorado.
7. Try to leave your house as less as possible
I suppose that it would be quiet difficult for you to follow this tip but in case you stay at home- you minimize the risk of getting sick. The more you stay at home, the healthier you will be away from other people outdoors.
8. Minimize the number of members of your trip team
Maybe it is the most convenient time to enjoy nature alone but if you decide to travel to a team you should minimize its members due to the virus and its consequences. You could use such a program as Strava to stay in touch with your road schedule.
9. You’d better not do anything strange and out of range
Be responsible concerning keeping social distance and other simple rules of outdoor leisure during COVID-19. You should know that this virus is quite dangerous so you should take it seriously during your holiday trips to Colorado from Denver airport. You’d better avoid common places in small towns during your journey.
10. The most important thing is not to use public transportation
That’s why I advise you to take a luxury van or shuttle service straight from Denver International Airport because it will deliver you safe and sound to your any place of destination in Colorado. We have been using the InterMountain Express limo service for more than 10 years.
What I like about this company and why I always use them. InterMountain Express provides luxury, reliable, and affordable transportation. Serving all Colorado areas including Denver Metro Area, Mountain Area (Aspen Snowmass, Vail, Beaver Creek, Copper Mountain, Breckenridge, Winter Park, Keystone, Steamboat Springs, Telluride) and available 365 days a year/7 days a week/24 hours a day.
Outdoor leisure in Colorado State
Due to the COVID-19 news outbreak, a lot of people abandoned their activities for some time. But you should follow your hobbies keeping in mind the social distance. Everything’s so simple and cool.
Right now, I don’t have a special recommendation concerning your outdoor leisure. Just follow the changing rules, and try to keep fit and healthy. That’s all I can tell you here.
10 ways to stay active during the COVID-19 outbreak
1. Search for the special place you want to visit during these warm summer days
Of course, you’d better plan your holiday trip in advance including transportation. I advise you to use private limo or shuttle service transportation just directly from the Denver airport to Vail. You’d better monitor all the acceptable options using special summer discounts.
2. Monitor birds singing along the way
The Colorado state is famous for its wide range of beautiful birds about which you could find out interesting information using your pads and mobile phones keeping at the same time your social distance.
3. Choose the most unpopular route for traveling
There are popular routes for tourists and those rare routes which are not crowded. Try to choose the latter to keep up with the recommendations about social safety.
4. Search for a place to paint
During such a difficult and solitary time, I advise you to take a canvas and a brush and make some pictures just making a stop somewhere along the road in nature. I suppose that this art procedure could free your spirit during your hard journey of social distance. My advice: You’d better buy paints and brushes during your first visit to the store along the way.
5. Follow your yoga lessons online
During COVID-19 you’d better stay at home and follow the yoga lessons that you will find on YouTube and other sources of the Internet. Even if you have only started practicing yoga- you should skip your lessons.
YouTube will perform a wide range of special yoga exercises due to which you would be healthier and get used to breathing correctly. “8-minutes abs” is my favorite exercise, anyway.
6. Take your pet for your holiday trip
As I got information from the Healthcare center, our pets are not dangerous because they can’t transmit the virus COVID-19. That’s why your cat or dog could assist you along your holiday trip. So you could even take them to special animal places remembering about the social distance from the others. If there are too many dogs and people in the dog park, you’d better skip it for another one less crowded.
7. Follow your diet ration having healthy stops during your way
You could use this solitary time of COVID-19 to develop your health- follow a diet and try to eat only healthy food during your journey to Colorado in 2024.
8. Go for fishing
If you are traveling alone the best leisure for you will be going fishing. Maybe it is the best option if you are going to keep a social distance from other persons during your journey. Moreover, you could prepare an excellent dish from a fish in case you catch it. But beware of local licenses and fishing laws.
9. Go skiing in case of snow
In case there would be snow again in Colorado you could go skiing on the hill and spend your journey with great pleasure saving the social distance at the same time. It is advisable to be prepared for skiing, so tips and advices from websites such as Bluehouse Skis can be of a great help.
10. My personal advice for you
If you select to travel despite the virus:
Search for less crowded routes for your holiday trip Keep a social distance of 6 feet from other people Don’t go to limited crowded places Don’t touch any things of other people in common spots Use your sanitization lotion Clean your face and hands carefully after each trip Purchase local goods Keep up with all changing rules and orders of the Healthcare Center.
You should click this link to get a full list of my recommendations concerning the virus COVID-19.
You must stay safe and sound in order to prevent the spread of the disease.