Sulsul! That means HELLO in Simlish.
The Sims is a sandbox dollhouse-type game that started in the year 2000. 22 years after the release of the first sem game is it still worth it to play the fourth edition of the life simulation game?
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Gameplay Freedom
Sims is unlike any other video game, almost every other video game has an end goal. But with Sims, you are free to start and end it however you want. There are many ways to play The Sims. Are you more of a storyteller, or are you more creative? Do you want to challenge yourself? Or perhaps just want to escape reality.
There are no rules on how to play The Sims. You can play vanilla by not adding anything to it or using cheats. You can also play it as a mod master by downloading 50gbs of custom content and using cheat codes all over the place. The way you play this game is limitless.
Create Anyone
A lot of video games allow you to customize your avatar by changing your clothes, hair, their eye color. But nothing is as customizable as The Sims 4. The Sims 4 has the best sim customization in all The Sims franchises. Entering Create-A-Sim mode is like playing a plastic surgeon but on steroids.
Build Your Dream Home
One of the highlights of The Sims franchise is the building aspect. The build mode in The Sims 4 is so detailed that even some architecture schools allow their students to use The Sims 4 build mode in place of AutoCAD.
From a small studio apartment to an 8-floor mansion with pools, mountains, and a home theater, you can create virtually anything in The Sims 4 build mode. You can easily build your current house or your dream holiday cottage in the countryside. Check out to see the most luxurious holiday cottages to inspire your next Sims 4 build.
Fun Tasks
If you’re more of a fan of structured games and not too keen on v choose your adventure type of game. Don’t worry, there are still some objectives that you can follow to make your Sims 4 gameplay more structured. There are these things called wishes, which are little tasks that you have to fulfill to gain aspiration points. You can also earn more aspiration points by fulfilling tasks, which leads to your overall life goal progress.
Let’s say your sim wants to be a serial romantic, you can get tasks like flirt with at least 10 people, go on three dates and one day and even break at least five people’s hearts. Earning aspiration points allows you to purchase perks that will make your Sims game more interesting. Like having the perk of being forever clean, meaning your sim never has to shower ever.
They’re also education goals and career goals just like real life, the more education and career goals you fulfill the faster you get promoted.
Escape From Reality
From all the stresses in life, and all the mundane activities The Sims is a breath of fresh air. It may be ironic for you to escape from your job by playing someone in The Sims trying to get promoted in your virtual job. You can try escaping from your house chores by playing a sim who is a neat freak that will wash dishes do laundry and clean the house all day.
But playing a reality simulator is just the trick to help you escape from… reality. You can create the perfect fantasy world or try to be a hero by creating the most chaotic world and trying to fix everyone. If you’ve always wanted to be a celebrity, you can in The Sims.
If you dream of becoming a celebrity chef you can be in The Sims. If you want to have that fantasy-perfect marriage with Chris Evans you can in The Sims. You can be a doctor, a villain, a legacy builder, and even an old cat lady. You can be whatever you want.

There are 2 main ways to play The Sims 4. There is vanilla and there is modded. The Sims 4 has the vastest options of custom content in the world of video games. Wiith thousands of websites dedicated to just custom sim building content, such as custom skins, hair, clothing shoes, and everything you need to create your perfect virtual person.
Websites dedicated to creating your perfect home, like custom wallpapers, every Ikea furniture under the sun, rugs of every color, and all the house plants you need. Every aspect of The Sims is moddable, including your personality, aspirations, and even what you do in bed. If you can imagine it, it’s already a sims mod.
For all gamers
This game fits all types of gamers. Whether you’ve never touched a video game, you are a casual gamer, or video games consume your whole life, there is something in The Sims for everyone. The user experience in the sims is easy enough even for the most novice of players, the interface is straightforward, and you can play it with just your computer mouse or memorize the controls fast enough on your console controller.
Even hardcore gamers can still get something out of this especially if you pair it with game mods. Fans of story based games will definitely benefit from story mods that give the same a little sprinkle of excitement. With story-based mods, you can turn your gameplay from a dollhouse shoebox game to something that resembles more like Grand Theft Auto.
Continuously growing

This is one of the best and worst things about The Sims franchise. The Sims is a game that is consistently expanding, with updates that aren’t just bug fixes but actually, updates adds to the game and official downloadable content. Downloadable content or ‘DLCs“ come in form of game packs, stuff packs, and expansion packs which range anywhere from $20 to over $50.
DLCs aren’t always received well by all fans. Some fans enjoy the fact there’s always something new with The Sims 4, you can explore every aspect of one expansion pack in 1 month but that’s ok because in two months there will be a whole new expansion pack that will just add to your gameplay. On the other hand long time Sims fans are tired of Electronic Arts constantly milking The Sims community for cash.
Whether you’re for DLC or against it, The Sims will keep on growing.
Thriving community
One of the most refreshing things about The Sims is The Sims community. You can come across a sim community on almost every platform. Whether it’s YouTube, Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, Tiktok, or even on Twitch.
In general, The Sims 4 community is welcoming to all types of players especially those who never played The Sims before. In fact, new players are every sims veteran’s favorite type of player. Sims veterans enjoy watching sim newbies discover and explore everything about The Sims.
The Sims community is the one community where gatekeeping is absolutely not allowed, this can be attributed to the nature of the game. There is absolutely no competition in The Sims because there is no clear objective. The Sims community thrives in storytelling. Even as simple as Completing the grilled cheese hidden aspiration is something that the sims community celebrates.
So what are you waiting for? It’s about time you start playing this game.