Tag: Hair
Hair extensions and wigs are widely used to improve the appearance of natural hair or to save the self-confidence of those who suffer severe or complete hair loss due …
Loss of hair, or Alopecia as it is coined medically, is a condition that is known to affect men more than women. Hair loss typically occurs in older men, …
A wig is probably one of the most important beauty investments you’ll make with some of them costing well into thousands of dollars. Besides this, a wig is also …
Necessary equipment required for hair making: Mount Stand Life size model Head or Moron (takes after the real head) Wig cap (dynamic ties) Needle wire (use cotton or nylon) …
It is no secret that our hair begins to change in our 40’s. We may notice our aging hair becoming drier, thinner, more brittle, and losing pigment. But don’t …
A good diet is the basis of health, but there is no standardized diet that suits everyone. Depending on the climate where you live, some foods are more or …
Winter weather can be hard on your hair. Chilly temps present some unique challenges when it comes to taking care of your tresses, and it can be difficult to …
Just like one takes care of their skin and body, looking after their hair is of equal importance. Having a proper plan is essential, especially when factors such as …
The flat iron is an electrical device used in straightening the hair; it is also called hair straightener or straightening iron. Crimping iron, also called hair crimper, is a …