We all know that YouTube is the number one video sharing website, and nowadays it is even more popular than television. When people want to share a video with the world, this is the first video sharing platform that they think about. However, YouTube’s policy is very strict, especially when it comes to copyright problems.
For example, it does not allow users to upload duplicate third-party content without the owner’s permission to do so. Hence, if YouTube does not allow your video to be uploaded onto its platform, you might start wondering where you can upload the video you want. There are various video sharing platforms that you could use, and we are going to take a look at some of them:

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1. Vimeo
Vimeo.com is a platform that is rapidly growing with a serious monthly audience of 130.000.000 visitors. Different from YouTube, Vimeo mostly has high-quality videos and has three account options for its users. A basic account with some limitation, and two paid account options with more advanced features and bigger space for uploading the videos. Vimeo Plus and Pro are accounts that are perfect if you are involved in editing videos or if you need to sell your videos. The only thing that you might not like is the lower number of views when compared to YouTube.

2. Dailymotion
This is a French sharing video platform that has 100.000.000 monthly visitors and it allows its users to view, browse, and upload videos by searching categories, channels, groups, or tags. It offers a wide range of random videos, from funny dog videos to serious reportages. If you wish to upload something onto the Dailymotion, keep in mind that the length of the video is limited to 2 gigabytes and 60 minutes. If your file turns out to be larger, you could easily compress the video. If you would like to download from this platform you could use a tool like this one here!

3. Twitch
This particular platform is used by gamers and its monthly audience is around 100.000.000. On this site, people post videos where they are playing or talking about specific games while other people have the possibility of watching them either live or via the archived footage. You can also chat with other players and join different gaming communities. If you choose the free account, it comes with advertising on the video, however, if you are bothered by that, you could consider the Turbo account. The Turbo account is ad-free, it offers extended chat colors, you can express your emotions by the custom emoji set, and you will get increased video storage space. Keep in mind that the free account can store your live videos for 14 days only.

4. LiveLeak
This UK-based platform has over 45.000.000 monthly users and it allows them to publish their own videos. Although LiveLeak is directed towards politics, war, and other global events, you can post any type of content that does not violate the policy of the website. Hence, it is forbidden to post any content that advertises something, videos showing criminal activity, and so on. The perfect videos for this platform are usually the ones that have news value or actual information on some events happening around the world.

5. Veoh
This platform is actually an Internet television service that hosts studio content. Its monthly audience is around 15.000.000 viewers, and it hosts independent productions and material created by the users. Once you create an account on Veoh, you will be able to upload videos of any size and embed them onto your blog or website. It accepts various formats and has a vast community for you to take part in. You will be able to contact people, rate the videos posted, and leave comments to discuss the videos.

If you want to download videos from any of these sites, you could use video downloaders in order to store the videos you like onto the device you are using.

These video sharing platforms are all different and they all provide different things for you to enjoy. So, know that you know that there are other platforms to enjoy videos on, make sure that you check them out.