New technology brings new concerns with its use. When Google introduced its smart glasses in 2013, consumers were slow to jump on the bandwagon. Wearing a computer on your face was just too much. Google Glass was ahead of its time. Smart glasses have many real-world applications.
Google Glass stopped production less than a year after they first came out. Today, just four years later, Epson, Sony, Microsoft and other companies are providing versions of smart glasses and augmented reality headsets that are being used in business applications. The regular consumer may not be ready to have a computer on their face, but professionals use the technology to advance their industry.
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Healthcare Services
Smart glasses bring health to the doctor’s eyes without being tethered to the computer. Remote consults, beside the patient’s bed in real-time, are possible with smart glasses technology. Smart glasses assist during surgery, by giving the surgeon information without having to be next to the computer. As the technology advances, doctors will find even more uses for smart glasses.
Architecture and Construction
The construction industry has found many applications for augmented reality technology from design to sales. According to Redshift, and Autodesk publication, smart glasses allow 3D collaboration for accuracy. Contractors can livestream information to other people who need data on a project. Workers can show their bosses the current state of a project without a person actually needing to visit the site.
Maintenance has used smart glass technology to walk staff through difficult procedures without actually having to be present. AR is being used for onboarding and training. Smart glasses can be used by one person to tag problems that can then be recorded, diagnosed and tracked for resolution. Instead of having multiple people trying to manage a large project and possibly duplicating each other’s work, the real-time tracking system increases efficiency.
Remote Support in any Industry
Smart technology can be used to collaborate around the globe without being in the same room. Both people wear smart glasses to see what the other is seeing. Computer technicians could train a person on a particular task without having to fly across a continent. Smart glasses keep the hands free while training, which makes learning more effective. With smart glasses, a person could work on equipment while accessing the repair manual to eliminate the need to switch between printed material and the equipment.
Virtual Meetings
Meetings are much more effective when you can see the other person and respond to their facial expressions. Telepresence isn’t a new idea. It was used in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” in 2014. Smart glass technology can make virtual meetings a reality in which your avatar can be anywhere you need to be.
Get on Board with Smart Glasses
Smart glass technology will continue to be explored in the next decade. The possibilities are endless, especially when you consider that sight is just one of the senses that can be augmented with technology. Widespread use of smart glasses may be a few years off, but businesses will surely see new applications for safety and efficiency.