Working in Petrochemical and in other flammable environments, the safety of life become the utmost priority. You cannot risk your life or wait for mishaps to take place. The best way is to opt out for the recommended precautions. The best possible way to safeguard yourself is by making use of Flame Resistant Clothing.
But you cannot choose any FR clothing randomly. To acquire the best results you must make a choice of FR resistant clothing wisely. Though these clothes are basically used in hazard-prone places like refineries, food-processing industries, electrical utility and maintenance centers, paper and pulp manufacturing etc. but each industry has its personalized requirement. Consider the most interesting fea-tures of FR clothes that makes its use highly recommended.
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Important Things to Know About Flame Resistant Clothing:
The blog covers all the important information about FR clothing that you need to know.
• FR Clothing is a Self-Extinguisher:
Fire Resistant clothing as the name suggests, is a material that suppresses the fire and completely extinguishes it. It is because of the property of the FR material that does not allow the inflow of oxygen. The material used for FR clothing is completely different from the conventional material that acts as a fuel to the fire.
• Not All the FR Materials Require Chemical Treatment but Are Naturally Fire Resistant:
Materials like pure wool and silk do not melt or catch fire easily when exposed to fire. Such kind of materials can be used directly for the fabrication of FR clothing without any need for chemical treatment. Other than that the synthetic polymers like nylon and polyester also offer desired resistance to heat. When you consider wool for FR clothing, make sure it’s heavy and tightly woven. The tighter and heavier the wool, higher is its resistance to fire. You can find more about natural FR clothing on
• Most of The Fabrics Can Be Converted Into Flame Resistant Materials:
The materials that do not possess the fire resistance characteristics naturally can be converted into the same by treating them with chemicals. The fabrics, includ-ing cotton, linen, synthetic and many more can be used as a fire resistant materi-al.
These materials are treated with the chemical compound at the final stages of manufacturing of FR clothing. This compound does not let the oxygen to go in-side and hence extinguishes the fire. However, these chemically treated clothes are not as effective as natural fire resistant fabric.
These treated fabrics degrade in quality and protective features after regular use, continuous wash and exposure to abrasions or UV radiations.
• FR Clothing Treated with Chemicals Are Harmful to Environment:
In the era where new methods are been invented for protection of the environ-ment, Chemical treatment of materials to make them Fire Resistant emits harmful radiations. The radiations that are released in the process, find their way up in the air contamination the natural atmosphere.
• Some of The Flame Resistant Clothes Can Be Toxic:
If we talk about the toxicity of the use of flame-resistant clothes, not all the FR clothes are toxic. Most of the natural flame resistant materials are fit for use and non-toxic too. At the same time, we cannot deny the fact that some of the chemi-cally treated materials that are available at cheap rates in the market can be really toxic.
It is recommended that you should make the right choice while the selection of FR clothing. Always try to use the standard and approved products.
Final Verdict:
It is desired to use the FR clothing in flammable work environments. However, it is been a compulsion at maximum industries. If it is not a must use in your com-pany, wear it for your own life and personal safety. Make sure you know all the important facts about FR clothing to make a fair purchase.